bee free ... a contribution to discovering the neighbours in a united europe ...
announcement: april 20th-22nd
tasting landscape at lingotto, torino
bee free participates in the 53th IFLA world congress in turin in the category inspiring landscapes.

exhibition forbidden zone - grundsteingasse vienna
from June 20 a collection of honey stories will make you swarm out from grundsteingasse (vienna) to our bees and bee-keepers along the former iron curtain. come and visit us!

freiluftsupermarkt is looking for bees!
just in time with the opening of the expo in milano „feeding the planet . energy for life“ we will inaugurate our fist open-space-supermarkets! for establishing those in munich and vienna we are looking for beekeepers to cooperate with us. we can offer a beautiful open space for you bee hives, a platform for communication, open minded partners and the chance to be part of this adventure! find more information on or contact us:

1st call for participation
travel along the european green belt, discover people, history and nature on both sides of the former iron curtain, send us material or nonmaterial nectar and pollen you’ve gathered on your trip (with their gps coordinates) and become a part of bee free
you’re on holidays in greece and stumble across a fascinating bee story, you’ve met an inspiring beekeeper with a crazy story at the czech border, you’ve collected a special kind of honey on the border between finland and russia… feel free to join us:
bee free e.V. .

CIVILscape membership
bee free is now a member of CIVILscape, the European network of non-governmental organisations dedicating their work to landscape protection, management and planning.
bee free at the Isar
bee free participated in a walk through downtown Munich, with a presentation about the beehives of Villa Seidl as a part of the Grundtvig ‘awareness rising for landscape‘ programme.
GREENnet Conference
From February 18 to 20 bee free took part in the second GREENnet conference at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
SOHO is buzzing
On the occasion of the 2012 SOHO in Ottakring Festival, titled ‘uncertain terrain’, we installed a beehive in the Brunnenviertel neighbourhood in cooperation with the Viennese beekeeper hildegard burgstaller. We’ll harvest our own ‘Yppen honey’ at the end of our ‘SOHO is buzzing’ summer programme.
Architecture Gallery Am Weissenhof
bee free participated in ‘mut zur stadt – urbane transformationen’ from July 5 to September 30, 2012 at the Architecture Gallery Am Weissenhof in Stuttgart. Many thanks to Corinna Clemens for supporting us with her bee colony as part of the exhibition!

The principle of the honey bee
Busy as bees, Felix Lüdecke and Marlen Hößelbarth explored the border triangle between Bavaria, Saxony and Bohemia last summer. Our scouts came back to Vienna with honey samples, beekeeper stories and phenomena from the Green Belt area where they travelled.
Start of the Honey-travel
Felix Lüdecke and Marlen Hößelbarth left for their first Honey-travel in the border triangle between Bavaria, Saxony and Bohemia. Following the principle of the honey bee they are continuously collecting border honey and beekeeper stories in their regional context along the Green Belt. We are looking forward to seeing the variety of border flavours and beekeeper stories they are collecting along the former intra-European border.
Protecting the Homeland
bee free goes across borders by contributing to the 2011 ‘SOHO in Ottakring’ Festival in the Brunnenviertel neighbourhood in Vienna. Our contribution, ‘Protecting the Homeland’, explores a joint patrol by former Schengen border-soldiers around Austria, in the context of a busy market day in today´s Brunnenviertel.
(l)ost links at the Centre for the Future
In February, walk through and experience our border-travel at the Centre for the Future in Slavonice, Czech Republic. We placed pictures from our border expeditions along a walkable aerial photo.
Long Night of Art and Revolt
As a part of the ‘Long Night of Art and Revolt 1989’, we stopped at the Academy of Arts in Berlin and gave a lecture on bee free as a contribution to the section of architecture.
bee free goes public
We are presenting the bee free project at the Austrian Art Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and at the Centre for the Future in Slavonice, Czech Republic.
bee free at Linz ’09
As a part of the special exhibition ‘The European Green Belt: border, wildlife, future’ at Linz ‘09 (European capital of culture) our bee free project will be presented from June to October 2009 at the State Museum of Upper Austria.
Processing our excursion materials
From October 2008 to April 2009, we have been engaged in the reviewing of our excursion material and provided nearly 3500 pictures from our first bicycle expedition (altogether 1,500 kilometres along the borders) in Panoramio and Google Earth. The border is experienced as an almost urban, heterogeneous space of high density and various landscape potentials.
First border-crossings
We are undertaking our first border-crossing excursions by bike along Austria´s former Schengen borders, now completely passable. We are moving radially so as to collect as many experiences along the border as possible. Running back and forth across the border is our principle, questioning our way is the method. By doing this, we are creating a collective mental map based on the perception of the border in the minds of respondents 20 years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain.
Margarethe Schütte Lihotzky scholarship
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture supports our research on borders through the (l)ost links project with the Margarethe Schütte Lihotzky scholarship. We are leaving this summer for our first border research expedition along Austria´s former external Schengen borders. This border area became freely crossable from both sides without access for the first time on January 1, 2008.
Study for IUCN
We carried out a study for IUCN on the future formulation of border stones and border signs along the former Iron Curtain. The study explored environmental protection as a potential for regional development, swarm behaviour, nature-culture interface and honey as an abstraction of the landscape. Since then we have given numerous lectures on bee free in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, France, Slovenia and Switzerland.